Thursday, June 30, 2011

Google's New Look and Feel

A revamped homepage makes Google more attractive. The minimalist home page has been re-engineered with a sleek black bar across the top. The new look has been pushed to few users on Tuesday and a wider set of users saw it on Wednesday.

Improved user experience is the key to the reach of any website even if its Google. It seems that Google is working on the look and feel more and more rather than the relevance of the search results (He He, I can’t write anything without dragging my love interest, semantic web).

Also I can find the size of the Google logo (the doodle) has reduced. Few links that had appeared near the search box have been placed at the bottom.
Google has also launched Plus One, but I am still hesitant to use or experience it. The previous disastrous Buzz and wave made me cautious. Let's wait and see if it clicks for Google.

1 comment:

Thiruneelakandan said...

sir one more thing
the animation madden by google on some particular days is awesome .. One perfect example is lunar eclipse .. It made me to refresh page for five times to see the animation playing